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Boat Specifications

C2 - Tandem Canoe

C2 - Open



This class is for racing canoes that fit the 3x27.  Boats are to be a maximum length of 18’6” and they should measure at least 27” wide at the 3 inch waterline. The 4x32 cruisers are also accepted in this class.


1. Maximum length of the hull shall be 18'6" (18 ft 6 in.).

2. Minimum heights, measured from the 0" waterline: a. 15" Bow b. 10" Center c. 10" Stern 3. The minimum-height gunwale line shall form a continuous, smooth arch-curve.

4. Minimum Width: a. 33" on the top, at the gunwale line b. 27" wide at the 3" waterline or 3" of draft

5. The points at which the 33" minimum top-width measurement and the 27" minimum waterline-width measurement are taken may be divided by up to 14" maximum.

6. The 33" minimum top-width and the 27" minimum waterline-width, may be measured a maximum of 14" fore or aft of the center of the canoe.

7. The cross-section(s) of the hull at the location(s) of the 33" minimum top-width and the 27" minimum waterline-width shall have no more than 1/4" (one-quarter inch) concavity between the 3" waterline and  the gunwale line of the hull.   

8. No concave curve(s) are allowed under the 3" waterline. The imperfections from repairs will be tolerated but will have to be very minimal to conform to the regulations.

9. All of the measurements will be verified on the exterior of the hull. Gunwales, sponsons and keels shall not be included in the measurement whether added to the hull or built into the hull.


C2 - Tandem Canoe

C2 - Stock


This class is for canoes designed for back country touring or tripping. The term “Stock” implies the boat should be “off the rack” and hulls should not be modified.  Boats listed below are approved to race in the stock class. Boats not listed below are not allowed to race in the stock class. To add a boat to the approved list, please contact a NYPRA board member regarding the boat in question. 


Current List of Approved Stock boats by Manufacturer:

GRB Newman Design          Mad River                     H2O Canoe

Traveler I                                            Lamoille                                 Canadian 16'6

Traveler II                                           Horizon                                   Canadian 17'6

Monarch                                            Malecite                                  Prospector 16'4

Wenonah                                Bell/Northstar                 Prospector 17'6

Jensen 17                                            Northwind                             Prospector 18'6

Jensen 18                                            Northwoods                          Paramount 16'6

Sundowner                                         B 17                                          Boundary 17'6

Minnesota II                                       Seliga                                       Super Cruiser

Monarch                                              Polaris                                     Outfitter 17'4

Odyssey                                               Savage River                     Outfitter 18'6

Escape                                                 Susquehanna                        Horizon 17

Escapade                                            Deep Creek                             222 Slingshot

Wenonah 17                                        Blackhawk                             Voyageur 17

Spirit II         



Keewaydin 17

Keewaydin 18'6

Prospector 17


C1 - Single person Canoe

C1 - Open


This class is for racing canoes that fit the 4x32.  Boats are to be a maximum length of 18’6” and they should measure at least 32” wide at the 4 inch waterline. 


As of the 2024 season, NYPRA is allowing the  GRB Concept to participate in this class.  It is our position that while it's slower at some things and faster in others, it all balances out, and the Concept is cheaper to make and might help draw people into the sport.


These specifications qualify a boat for competition in all C1 events

1. Maximum length is 18 feet 6 inches (18'6"). Minimum width shall be 14 3/8% of the length (.14375 times the length) at the 4 inch water line, measured within 12 inches fore and aft of the center of the canoe.

2. The exterior surface of the transverse cross section below the 7-inch water line shall be convex, not concave, except at transitions to built-in keels.

3. The minimum height at the bow shall be 15 1/2 inches. The minimum depth for the rest of the canoe shall be 11 1/2 inches.

4. The sheer of the gunwale shall have a minimum radius of 30 inches and shall be an integral part of the boat with a continuous curve.

5. Decks and Float Tanks (shoe, cowl, and enclosed dam) may not be more than 1 1/2 inches above the gunwale at any point. The maximum length of decks or float tanks shall be 36 inches. (Full decking is not permitted unless specifically stated in the written rules for a given race or as stated below.)

6.  In addition to the maximum 36” decking allowance at bow and stern, an additional maximum of 18” combined thwart plus lunch counter depth (measured along the keel) is allowed.  A maximum radius of 3” is allowed to tie in any thwart/lunch counter to the gunwales

7. Outwales: Any additions to outwales must be made on the gunwales and cannot extend more than 1 1/2 inches outward and downward from the hull

8.  Flotation: All canoes must have securely fastened or permanently built in flotation to support a 25 pound weight in a boat filled with water.

9.  Water Removal: Any type of person-powered (or passive) bailer, pump or siphon may be used in any USCA boat.

10.  Rudders: There shall be no mechanical steering devices in any USCA canoe classes. This does not include fixed keel or skegs as deemed allowable under present keel and concavity rules.


C1 - Single person Canoe

C1 stock


This class is for canoes designed for back country touring or tripping. The term “Stock” implies the boat should be “off the rack” and hulls should not be modified.  Boats listed below are approved to race in the stock class. Boats not listed below are not allowed to race in the stock class. To add a boat to the approved list, please contact a NYPRA board member regarding the boat in question. 


Current List of Approved Stock boats by Manufacturer:

GRB Newman Desings             Wenonah

Classic                                                      Advantage

Classic XL                                                Prism

Wills Boat                                                Encounter

Sawyer                                                   Solitude

Summer Song                                        Solo Plus

DY Special                                                Swift

Shock Wave                                             Cruiser

Savage River                                       H2O Canoe

Otegan (modified)                                 Solo 16-6

Blackwater                                                202 Slingshot

Mad River


Explorer 16T


K-1 Single Person Kayak

K-1 Open Kayak (formerly Unlimited)


Any single kayak, sit-on-top or surf ski that has a maximum overall length that is greater than 20' and/or a 4" waterline beam that is less than 17" must compete in this class, however paddlers may compete in this class with any kayak. (This follows USCA specs)


Popular boats that qualify for this class include, but are not limited to:

Epic V10, Epic V10L, Epic V11, Epic V12, Epic V14, Stellar SEL, Stellar
SES, Stellar SEA, West Side Boat Shop Thunderbolt, West Side Boat
Shop Wave Excel, West Side Boat Shop Wave Exceed, Think Uno Max,
Think Uno, Think Ion, Think Evo, most Olympic sprint K1's

K-1 Single Person Kayak

K-1 Sport Kayak (formerly Touring)


This class combines boats that would race in the USCA Touring or Sea Kayak classes.

Any single kayak, sit-on-top, or surf ski with a maximum overall length that is 20' or less and has a 4" waterline beam that is 17" or greater may compete in this class.


Popular boats that qualify for this class include, but are not limited to:

Epic 18X, Epic V8, Epic V8 Pro, Epic V9, Epic V10 Sport, Stellar S18R,
Stellar S18S, Stellar SR, Stellar SEI, Stellar Falcon, GRB K Force Kayak,
West Side Boat Shop EFT, Kayak Pro Jet, Think Six, Think Zen, Think
Ace, Nelo 560, Nelo 550, most traditional sea and touring kayaks


C1 Rec

C2 Rec

K1 Rec

K2 Rec


Guide Boat

This class is for boats that otherwise don’t fit in the above classes. Some race organizers may choose to break this class into smaller classes (SUP, Guide Boats, Recreational Canoes, etc). 


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